Wildlife Category: Carnivores



The tiger is the only big cat with a striped coat. The stripe pattern works well as camouflage in the dense foliage of forests or tall grasslands that they frequent. They prefer to stalk and ambush their prey. Their size easily allows them to pull down their victims. Tigers are primarily crepuscular, hunting at dusk…

Florida Panther

Florida Panther

The Florida panther is a symbol of natural Florida.  A Florida with healthy environments and ecosystems.  Down to less than 40 individuals in the 1970s, their inclusion on the federal Endangered Species list, human intervention to expand their gene pool and rehabilitate injured panthers, and land conservation efforts have brought the reclusive cat to around…



The cheetah is a distinct and easily recognized member of the cat family. Living solitarily or in sibling groups cheetahs hunt their prey by day, employing strong eyesight and incredible bursts of speed in 60-70 mph runs to catch antelope, hares, or birds. Cheetahs, named for the Hindu word ‘chita’ meaning spotted one, were once…

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